Student Assistance Program
What is SAP/ESAP?
A SAP team is made up of school and agency staff designed to help parents and students access school and community services. In PA, every school district is required to have a plan for identifying and assisting students who experience barriers to learning. Our ESAP team is specific to the students in our district at the elementary level.
What would be some reasons to refer a student?
- Noticeable change in friends and/or behavior
- Drop in grades
- Withdrawal from friends and activities
- Signs of depression
- Overheard conversations about destructive decisions
Who can make a referral?
Parents, peers/other students, teachers, bus drivers, school counselors, administrators, and other school employees
How would I make a referral?
You can make a referral by putting a referral form (which can be obtained in the main office or by printing the file below) in the mailbox outside of the main office door or you may contact an ESAP team members.
If you have any questions, please call the school office to speak to the principal, guidance counselor or nurse.
(610)298-8661 X4204
How does ESAP work? What happens if my child is referred?
After a student is referred…..
- Information is gathered and parents are contacted to consent to work together to remove any possible barriers to learning.
- A plan is developed by the team with parental involvement which may include referring the student for other services.
- The team will monitor and follow up on the student’s progress. The team will provide ongoing support to the student and family.
The ESAP team maintains confidentiality and will respect
you and your child’s privacy at all times.
ESAP is……..
An identification program
An intervention program
A support program
A referral program
Concerned with the welfare, safety, and health of the student above all else
A counseling program
A disciplinary program
A drug program
A treatment program
Please print and return completed referral form to the SAP Referral Box outside the main office. You can also obtain a copy by contacting the main office at 610-298-8661.